Saturday, December 1, 2018

Free Internet, Yes the actual cost of using internet is zero..

Free internet,

Yes, the actual cost of using internet is zero. Internet is a network of several interconnected servers and all servers have data stored in their hard drives etc. 

When a user accessing any websites or downloading any content or sharing anything on internet then it is just data transfer takes place and the data transfer is purely virtual, there is no any physical transfer takes place.

Data transfer is transfer of Signals and pulses like 0 and 1.
The faster the pulses the faster the rate of data transfer is. So there is no physical transfer so there is virtually no cost applicable.

Then the question raising in our minds why all the Internet service providers collecting charges from users? Yes, the charges are for using their infrastructure.

The infrastructure includes mobile towers, cable networks, charges for parent career networks, charges for using satellites for data transfer etc.

So the Internet service providers collecting charges from users for use of their infrastructure and for the time user keeps that infrastructure busy.

But some ISPs collecting hire charges and some are providing it at lower costs.

For example, before launch of Reliance Jio in India all the Internet service providers head collecting approximate 250 to 300 rupees for 1GB data only and for 28 to 30 days, but after the internet revolution created by Reliance jio in India the same old service providers are providing 1 to 1.4 GB data everyday at nearly 5 to 10 rupees charges per day...

It can be speculated that the par GB usage of internet will be more cheaper when the 5G Technology will come because higher data transfer will be possible in less time.....

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